Why we made this.

Each Water Well Legend Bracelet helps fund the building of water wells in Africa to bring underserved rural villages access to clean water.

How we can help.

We've employed a team of local people in Sierra Leone, Africa. We've successfully built the first Legend Water Well, bringing clean water to over 1,100 people.

Your purchase of the Water Well Legend Bracelet will support the building of the next well.

What are the Facts?

3.5 million people die every day from dirty water, 2.2 million of them are children.

Only 2% of people in Sierra Leone, Africa have access to clean water.

Meet James Thomas.

A vibrant 6-year old boy we met in Mokankodai Village. Pictured above is the swamp where James got his water when we first arrived. This water, if consumed, is full of potentially life-threatening diseases.

James and his village now have access to clean water because of the new water well we built.

The Water Well Legend Bracelet

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